Hacktivate 2023

Organized by Tech Savvy Youth

JULY 15-22, 2023



Welcome to Hacktivate 2023, the ultimate online hackathon designed for middle schoolers! Hacktiavte aims to bring out the fun and creative aspects of programming. You can compete in a team of 3 to 5 members to create a project that demonstrates your creativity, artistic skills, and imagination. All experience levels are welcome!

Create and learn

Common hackathon projects include apps and websites, but you can create any project you'd like from scratch. Our mentors are eager to help, and we'll also be hosting several fun workshops that you can participate in.

Make memories

Hackathons are a great place to get to know other passionate students. We welcome all hackers to team up and collaborate on projects, or engage in some friendly competition!

Get free stuff

There will be prizes for the top 3 teams, and the first 25 people to register will receive a free swag bag full of goodies!


Meet the team

Raymon Zhang

Raymon Zhang

Vismay Patel

Vismay Patel




Register for Hacktivate 2023
